just sucks

This week has been a week full of emotions and a whole lot of feels. Excitement. Joy. Hope. Anxiety. Peace. Despair. Frustration. Heartache. Grief. Fear. Love. Typically, I’d say that I experience most of the emotions and feelings in a giving week; but rarely is it all of them. I am a feeler. This week I was feeling everything. From the excitement and joy I had at the Hall and Oates concert featuring Tears for Fears and every middle aged rhythmless nation (see what I did there – nod to Janet Jackson) person in Columbus to the despair and heartache I feel for the family downstairs in the chapel, mourning the loss of their sixteen year old who died from a suicide – this has been quite an eventful week.

What do you say to a family of a loved one who left this earth by their own doing? What can you do to let them know that you are there for them? To walk with them? To love on them? To grieve with them? I don’t know the answer my friends. I genuinely don’t. I’ve experienced a similar loss before. Although the life lost was not a family member, I was close enough to the family to sit in grief with them and we remain close today. Suicide is hard. A hole is left in the spot they once filled. Often times, unanswered questions remain. And even more often, the guilt in the form of the never-ending, repeating pattern of questions, asking “what could I have done to prevent this?” plays over and over again in the minds of those left behind. Suicide is hard.

If this article is too difficult for you to read today, I understand. This is a very sensitive topic. Its painful. Its not pretty. There are no ways to make this fun or silly. I believe that it would be disrespectful and potentially dangerous for me to attempt to address such a layered and difficult topic in 5000 words or less. So I won’t. But I will be transparent with you, sharing my feelings and then ask you to pray with me for the family left behind and grieving right now.  

Lets pray together.

Dear Gracious and Heavenly Father, we come humbly before you Lord. Holy Spirit come; let your presence overwhelm us today. We submit our hearts to you God. We ask for forgiveness of our sins and clear our minds and hearts of anything that is not of You, Lord. Today, we want to lift up the family left behind. Their hearts are broken Lord. Their pain is unimaginable. You know what they need Lord. Let them feel your presence. Comfort them Father. Grant them your peace that surpasses all understanding.

May they find hope in your promises for tomorrow. May their grief not overwhelm them. May your light shine down on them. May they be reminded of good times with their loved one. May they find rest in your love. May their hearts be mended energized by the love of family and friends around them.

We know that life is not easy and that you never promised an easy path. But your word does say that you are close to the brokenhearted (Psalm 34:18-19). We thank you for your promises Lord. Equip us to be the prayer warriors and supporters that you’ve called us to be for those left behind. We love you and commit our prayer to you today.


Today’s article is a short one. Sometimes we don’t need a lot of words to communicate how we feel or explain what we are going through. Sometimes we just need prayer. Sometimes we just need to tell people life sucks right now. And sometimes we just need people to listen and pray with us.  If you find yourself in a position to be a support for someone, try praying first. Pray for yourself. Pray with them. Pray for them. You don’t have to have the “right” words or fear not being able to do the “right” things. God hears your heart and is with you. Talk to him. Listen for him. Show his love in this world. Remind those in your care, in your life, that they are loved. He can use you in mighty ways my friends. Please let him.

Gina Watts is a former resident of Fayette County, now living in Columbus, Ohio. She serves multiple communities as an advocate, educator, and leader. Follow Gina on Twitter @professorgmarie.