Sometimes the most important moments are the unplanned ones

Have you ever done something so important, so critical, but in the moment, you didn’t realize the impact it would have on you and others around you? I’m sure that each of us has had at least one experience…or 30.  Over my 37+ years of life, I am sure that I have thousands of such decisions or experiences that I did not know or consider the impact that they would have on my life. Some decisions have been life changing and others have been less transformational but still worth noting.

For example, the other day, I decided to lay around a little longer than usual before going to work. Once in the car, I decided to take a different route, a little longer drive to work. Along the exact route during the typical time that I would’ve been traveling to work was a two car accident. Now some of you may think all of those events are happenstance. The fact that intentional decisions had unintentional consequences that allowed me to arrive safe and my vehicle damage free to work is unfathomable to some. Have you had an experience like this one?
If we were to measure impact by the outcomes that resulted from an unintentional or intentional decision, I’d say that the most transformational unintentional consequence that has ever happened to me is the birth of my son Christian. Its his birthday weekend, so I’d say its fitting that we are talking about his impact on my life. Lets dive in.

In 2010, I started a blog called “Growing Up Raising Christian.” Have you ever read it? No. That’s ok. I only wrote two posts. I know. I know. You’re probably saying to yourself…”Geesh. I tell ya…some people. They don’t continue or finish what they start.” All jokes aside, the idea behind the blog was for me to transparently share the ups and downs, the failures conquered, the lessons learned, the intentional decisions and unintentional consequences of my journey through life as Christian’s mom.

Its been 7 years since my attempt at that blog. I decided to revisit it and read some of my musings. I had gone through a difficult year at that time. I actually didn’t share much about raising Christian at all. At that time in my life I was starting over after a failed relationship, grieving the loss of 10 year friendship, mourning after the death of my mentor, and struggling to obey the Lord and move out of our first home. As I think back to that time period, I recall feeling so alone and overwhelmed every day. I’m not sure what kind of value I was able to add to anyone in my life at that time, especially Christian. But thanks to the blog, I found some encouraging news. I had decided to take control of my emotions and the direction of my life by sharing 5 invaluable lessons that I learned over that year. I’d like to share a few of those with you here.

Nothing compares to a child's hope. I am completely amazed at how blessed I am to have the unyielding hope of my child - he believes that anything is possible. Failure, depression, defeat are not options. I will dream, I will achieve, I will inspire. (Joel 2:28; 2 Timothy 1:5)

Looking back over my life and specifically the last 19 years, I am confident that my survival through those difficult times and my perseverance to reach my goals is completely related to two factors – my faith in God and the hope of my son.  To think, that 7 years ago, I was combatting feelings of failure, depression, and defeat. And now I live a fulfilled life, surrounded by those I love and who love me, and serve on a platform that impacts more than 15,000 leaders around the globe.

Christian always says, “Now we’ve moved from oodles of noodles to steaks.” Well, I don’t see anything wrong with oodles of noodles; but I get his point. He has journeyed with me through various life experiences, staying with nana while I attend school, sleeping under tables at board meetings, serving at community events, traveling throughout the country, making memories with family and friends, and now at the beginning stages of starting his own life.  What he doesn’t realize is that college life equals oodles of noodles. You probably only get steak when you visit mom (at least for the first few years of adulting). Insert eye roll and smirk here.

Another lesson I learned and shared in 2010 was that “one can only hope to know or understand the plans God has for us.” I am a planner. I plan each step of everyday. However, no matter how much I plan my hour, my day, my week, or my life; my plans will never compare to what God has planned for me. I will embrace the plans you have for me Lord. (Jeremiah 29:11; Ephesians 3:14-21)

I am so grateful that God’s plans are always better than mine. I am grateful that the unintentional consequences of my life have turned into beautiful blessings full of light. I am grateful to celebrate 19 years of my baby’s life, 19 years of us growing together. Not all unintentional consequences are turned into fertile soil for God to grow us. We have a choice. We can choose to rise from our mistakes, overcome our failures, and move forward into our promised purpose or we can settle for less than, struggle for little, and never fully live out our potential. God has so much for you my friends. I pray that for every unintentional consequence you encounter in life, that you will make an intentional decision to make the best of every moment.

Happy Birthday Christian! I love you.

Gina Watts is a former resident of Fayette County, now living in Columbus, Ohio. She serves multiple communities as an advocate, educator, and leader. Follow Gina on Twitter @professorgmarie.